| Muscari armeniacumThe classic deep blue grape hyacinths. Great for naturalizing. |
| Tulip KiwanisThe little Tulip Kiwanis is a real strong one. The bright white tulip stand on a short, but firm stem. Because of the long flowering time you can use Tulip Kiwanis to give your garden a great white accent. Also great in pots. Registered in 2007 and named after the foundation Kiwanis which is an organization of volunteers committed to making a better world for childeren. |
| Daffodil SailboatAs white sails on the horizon, Narcissus Sailboat covers your border with plenty of lovely white flowers. This beauty opens up a bit pale but soon turn into bright white. Each stem carries several flowers flooding your garden with spring. Great to combine with tulips and blue grape hyacinths. |
| Hyacinth AiolosThis pure white hyacinth is lovely in any garden, but you could also try to put it in a vase. |